Do you know
3 things god Cannot do?
SOS events is a soul winning & Life saving ministry

We present the gospel about Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
“Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15
This is the Great Commission and SOS Events takes this very seriously.

Soul Winning Purpose & Strategy
To bring people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
“Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15
At various events such as festivals, car shows, flea markets, fairs, churchyard events and more.
To witness to anyone that isn’t 100% sure they’ll go to Heaven when they die. If 100%, we ask them how they know.
Events are scheduled to have a soul-winning booth in many community activities that happen daily, weekly, monthly and yearly.
We have many large events such as the Strawberry Festival in Florida, the Alabama National Fair and Talladega Races.
At events, a booth or tent is set up displaying the 3 Things God Cannot Do display board. Volunteer workers are ready to share with those who pass by the booth by asking them, “Do you know the 3 Things God Cannot Do?” See the entire strategy shown below.

See 3 Things God Cannot Do!

God Cannot Lie

God Cannot Change

Isn’t it great we have a God that cannot lie or change? When you were born you probably weighed between 5 to 10 pounds and you were about 20” long. You could not walk or talk. Over the years you’ve changed dramatically! God never changes. The Bible says, “He is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Do you love God? God loves you! Since God loves you and He cannot lie and He cannot change, how long will he love you? The answer is FOREVER!

Let’s take a plane trip to anywhere in the world and you have three planes from which to choose.
- Plane #1 has a disclaimer you'll have a 50% chance of landing safely at your destination.
- Plane #2's disclaimer states you'll have a 75% chance of completing the trip safely.
- Plane #3 guarantees you'll land safely.
Which airplane would you choose?
If you were to die today, would you be 50%, 75% or 100% sure you would go to Heaven?
If you answered less than 100%, we invite you to follow the ABC Plan of Salvation which is outlined below.
If you answered 100%, why are you sure you’ll go to Heaven? This may be contrived as a trick question but we are very serious about this matter. During events we receive multiple answers to this question. According to the Holy Bible there is only one way to reach Heaven.
The AbC Plan Of Salvation

Admit That you have sinned

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
Romans 10:9

Call Upon the lord
Would you like to call upon the Lord To forgive your sins?
Then Pray this Prayer:
“Lord Jesus, I admit I am a sinner. I believe You died on the cross for forgiveness of my sins. I ask that You forgive my sins, come into my heart and make my life new. I receive You as my Savior. Thank you Jesus. Amen”
If you prayed, would you do us a favor and complete the decision card on the Contact Us page? We’ll send you an age appropriate Bible study to get you started in your new life. If you need a Bible, please let us know.

Featured Soul Winning Pages
Life saving ministry that helps churches and individuals share the good news using a simple method.
Watch our training videos. One is event training and the other is one-on-one training.
Leader Log IN
Login to review the Event Information Sheet, Testimony Sheet, and Training Sheet.
Bible Study Lessons
We offer master outlines and study notes authored by Porter Barrington as well as Basic Bible Studies in both Spanish and English.