Soul Winning Training
Seeking Qualified Soul-Winning Trainers
Soul Winning Training Videos
If you’re interested in joining our ministry, we invite you to watch our Soul Winning Training videos. You must have a passion in your heart and soul to present the Gospel about Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
SOS Events is looking for church members and leaders who have the desire to become trainers. As a trainer you’ll teach others to evangelize by using the 3 Things God Cannot Do strategy outlined at the bottom of our homepage.
SOS Events is Working to Accomplish our Lord’s Great Commission
“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15
We invite you and your church to partner with SOS Events. With the Lord’s guidance, our goal is to reach the United States and beyond by recruiting Soul Winning Trainers. The objective is to find several people or couples in each church who have the desire to be taught SOS Events’ proven method of “Event Evangelism”. They would participate in local events using the 3 Things God Cannot Do strategy.
The Soul Winning Trainers would be responsible to train others to do the same thing. Spiritual maturity (regardless of age), Bible knowledge and the leading of the Holy Spirit are required.
To learn more about our 3 Things God Cannot Do strategy, we encourage you to watch our two soul winning training videos that have been created for your convenience. The videos are about “one-on-one training” (when you’re out and about your community) and “event training”. Submit contact form below.
If you need more information or have any questions, feel free to contact us.

In order to obtain the password to gain access to the soul winning training videos, please complete the form below.
**After you submit the form, a box will appear and the password will be within that box.**
Soul Winning Trainers Video for 1-on-1 Training
Soul Winning Trainers Video for Event Training