Our Ministry Overview, Statement of Faith and Discipleship

Sos Events is a Soul Winning Ministry

We present the soul winning ministry gospel about Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.

“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”  Mark 16:15

This is the Great Commission and SOS Events takes this very seriously.

Soul Winning Ministry Overview Video

SOS Ministries was founded by Tom and Carolyn Curtis in 2001 with a vision to reach the entire country with the cooperation of many churches. This vision was given to Tom and Carolyn who have directly and indirectly been involved with seeing many souls come to know the Lord as their Savior. Knowing what God requires of us and experiencing what He has done, brings both excitement and challenge. It is our desire to see as many come to Christ as possible. We would like to challenge each one who reads this to become a part of this effort through direct involvement or indirectly by praying and supporting SOS Ministries.

SOS stands for Serving Our Savior. The Ministry has held events in 26 states and has had a part in leading thousands of people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We have trained over 250 churches how to win souls at events. The following are a few examples of some event results: 139 decisions at the James Dean Festival in Indiana, 130 decisions to accept Christ at a church Harvest Hayride in New Jersey, over 2,500 decisions made during the Strawberry Festivals in Florida. These people who have accepted Christ as their Savior are now 100% sure they will go to heaven. There are many different types of events that SOS is involved with, to name a few would include the Florida Strawberry Festival, Easter Egg Hunts at churches, Church Yard Sales, Neighborhood Block Parties, Fall Festivals, Car Shows and Art Shows.

Follow up for the new believer is handled two different ways. One is by giving the decision cards to the participating churches and the other through the Source of Light Ministry which offers free, age appropriate, Bible studies.

Carolyn, as well as the SOS Event missionaries, train people interested in learning how to share The Three Things God Cannot Do. With its simplicity, it is easy for all to understand God’s love and His desire for us to have the assurance of heaven.

Salvation is a free gift of God offered to man by his grace and received by repentance and personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Our goal and desire is to train committed workers to share The Three Things God Cannot Do. By training and sharing we will be able to further the Life Saving News of Jesus Christ. If you or a group from your church would like to learn about The Three Things God Cannot Do and be trained to tell others please email your request to info@sosevents.org.

One of the most exciting aspects of pursuing God’s blessings is learning to see what He is doing around you at all times. Jesus said, “My Father is always at His Work.” John 5:17. We are busy at His work. You are invited to join us!

Tom has gone home to be with the Lord May 14, 2016.

The Lord’s ministry of Event Evangelism is continuing to thrive and many souls trusting in Jesus as Savior.

We look forward to Serving Our Savior with you.

  • The Bible is the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.
  • God created the heaven and the earth.
  • There is only one God, forever existent in three persons: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
  • The deity of our LORD Jesus Christ; His virgin birth; His sinless life; His miracles; His atoning death; His shed blood: His bodily resurrection; His ascension into Heaven and His personal return.
  • Man is a lost sinner, therefore in need of salvation by the convicting of the Holy Spirit.
  • The Holy Spirit changes the new Christian; indwells, instructs, seals, reproves and guides the believer, fills and controls every life that is wholly yielded to Him.
  • Salvation is the free gift of God offered to man by His grace and received by repentance and personal faith in the LORD Jesus Christ.
  • Baptism by immersion after salvation is an act of obedience to the LORD.
  • The person who is saved has a bodily resurrection and the unsaved person will be judged and cast into the lake of fire.
  • Satan is real and he is an enemy to the work of the LORD, but we can have victory over him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

Discipleship is more than just Bible study.  It is more than going to church on Sundays.  In fact, it is a lot more than that. It is something very personal and special. How did Jesus disciple his followers – His hand-picked Disciples?  What did he do?

Jesus poured his life into each Disciple.  He invested a lot of time with them.  He ministered to them.  He taught them what the scriptures meant. He loved them, all in a very personal way.  Sometimes they were in a group, other times Jesus was with them one on one.  In both cases, Jesus supernaturally poured himself into his Disciples and God has called us to do the same thing to each other.

This is what real discipleship is about. Unfortunately we rarely see people do this for each other.  But by the grace of God, we are asking everyone who reads this to join us.  Watch our Soul Winning Training videos.  Join with us in our circle of life:  Salvation…Discipleship… Service… Duplication.

Depending on where the person lives that you lead in the prayer to receive Jesus will determine if you are able to meet with them in person or not. There are other considerations to take into account.  The following is a list of “do’s and don’ts” to help you get started on the right track in your desire to disciple someone and/or have someone disciple you.

  • Men should disciple men, and women should disciple women. I know it sounds old fashioned but this is the best way. SOS can help you find someone to disciple anyone, anywhere. Just give us a call and we will do our best to help you find an appropriate person to disciple someone.
  • If you are under 21 years of age, only disciple people your own age.
  • If you are under 21 years of age and not in the same area as the person you would like to disciple, Contact SOS Events and we will find someone for you.
  • Be a real friend. Make yourself available. Meet with them once a week or twice a month for prayer, Bible study and to just hang out.
  • Don’t act like you are super spiritual. Don’t be condescending or think you know it all. You don’t. Lift them up. Be encouraging. Be positive. Be an encouraging force in their life.
  • Don’t do this out of obligation. If you have this attitude, you are better off playing golf or doing something else. Only disciple someone if you want the love of Jesus to be spread from your life into another’s life.
  • This is not a sprint, it is a marathon. It is going to take time. So don’t be in a hurry. It can take as much as a couple of years. But it will be worth it.

Therefore, in the light of this our faith and our resolve, we enter into a solemn covenant with God and with each other, to pray, to plan and to work together with congregations, individuals, and other ministries for the evangelism of the whole world. We call upon others to join us. May God help us by His grace and for His glory to be faithful to this our mission! Amen, Alleluia!

Soul Winning Ministry Board of Directors and Advisory Board

Board of Directors

Carolyn Curtis, President
Diana Guiliano, Treasurer
William Slater
Dale Brown
Mike Cominski
Jonathan Watson
Carolyn Curtis, President
Diana Guiliano, Treasurer
William Slater
Dale Brown
Mike Cominski
Jonathan Watson

Advisory Board

Randy Thomas
Alice Thomas
Ronnie Burlison
Ed & Rhonda Fager
Wesley & Beth Walker
Stephanie Curtis
Steve Hoyle
Randy Thomas
Steve Hoyle
Alice Thomas
Ronnie Burlison
Ed & Rhonda Fager
Wesley & Beth Walker
Stephanie Curtis

Our Soul Winning Ministry Mission

“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.” March 16:15

Our Vision:

At this point in time, the United States is our primary target. Our vision is for Evangelism and Discipleship. We want to see millions of people led into a close relationship with God through Christ Jesus in every town, city, county and state in America and around the world.

Our Strategies:

  • Event and Marketplace Evangelism
  • Partnerships with local congregations,                                individuals and other ministries
  • Provide training on how to lead people to Christ
  • Facilitate foundational Bible teaching for new believers
  • The teaching of new believers on how to replicate themselves by reaching and teaching others for the Kingdom of God.

Church Growth

There are several ways a congregation can grow. However, the main ways we see are, “transfer growth (congregational growth)” and “organic growth (Kingdom growth).” Transfer growth is the addition of new members through a merging of congregations or believers moving from one congregation to another for whatever reason. This type of “transfer growth” is “congregational growth,” but it is not “Kingdom growth (organic growth).” In other words the Kingdom of God does not grow when someone moves from one congregation to another.  The Kingdom grows when a new person receives Christ as their personal Savior and joins with other believers worshiping together.

The purpose of the “Great Commission” is for growing the Kingdom of God. It is not to have big crowds, big buildings, big budgets and the human accolades that come from fame and financial rewards. It is about loving people and being used by God to connect them to God.

God loves all people so much. And He wants us to allow Him to give us that same love for all people. Not just Christians for Christians.

Unlike Jesus, too many Christians only go where Christians are. How can we reach unbelievers if we don’t go where they are? We have to take the truth of Christ Jesus to them, to where they work, play and hangout. Just like Jesus did. He didn’t just hang out with people that believed in him. He was a friend to sinners too. Are you?

Most Christians have developed their circle of friends over the years. This eventually leads to a comfort zone where people feel like “I have enough friends, and I don’t need any more.” Once we arrive at this place, the idea of leading people to Jesus is no longer central to living a life in Christ. This is one major reason the Church in America                   is slowly shrinking.

The following pages and videos will teach you a simple way to grow your congregation by growing the Kingdom of God. As people receive Jesus as their personal Savior from the presentation of the Gospel, these people will be added to your congregation and to other congregations as well. Either way, God will be very pleased. Additionally, the Kingdom of God grows and you will have been used by God to deliver the greatest miracle man has ever experienced — a supernaturally born again life in Christ Jesus.

Event Evangelism

Back in the late 19th to mid 20th century, more so than today, it was common for congregations and traveling evangelists to conduct “revival meetings” to attract people to hear the Gospel of Christ Jesus. Some of these events lasted a few days, others lasted several weeks. For many communities, it was the social event of the year. These events were free of charge and filled the void for affordable entertainment. In smaller cities around the country, “revivals” were the only form of entertainment which made it easy to bring in people who had never attended a church before.

Today many churches, especially those with smaller budgets, find it difficult to attract new people to their Sunday church services. Attracting new visitors who have not been raised in a Christian tradition has become more and more difficult.


Our American population is becoming more and more diverse culturally, ethnically and spiritually. People today have more choices in how they spend their free time than ever before. Entertainment is more abundant than ever before. Sporting events, TV, Movies, Theme Parks, Video Games, the list is endless for both Christians and non-believers.

God has blessed many ministries and congregations with the resources to be able to spend hundreds, even hundreds of thousands of dollars, to attract people to their worship facilities. In His great wisdom, God has not blessed all in this same way. For those ministries who don’t have these types of budgets, instead of trying to get people to come to the facility, why not take the Gospel to where the people already are?

Today communities have heavily attended local events throughout the year. They have swap meets, farmers markets, carnivals, county fairs, sporting events and more. All are full of what? People!! For the price of booth space, you can fish for men and women.

Our 3 Things strategy is easy to learn and even easier to perform. How would you like to lead 50 people to Christ next year? You can by using the simple method known as See Three Things God Cannot Do.