Do You Know

3 Things God Cannot DO?

God Cannot

When you say something that did not actually happen, that is called a lie. Telling a lie is a sin, which means it is a bad choice. Because God never makes bad choices, he can never tell a lie. The Bible is God’s Word and in The Bible, it tells us God can not lie. In the book of Titus chapter 1 verse 2, it says, “In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised.” Titus 1:2


God Cannot Change

You’re changing every day! Sometimes you change by wearing a different shirt or getting your hair cut. When you have your next birthday, you’ll change into a bigger and taller you! But God never changes. He is the same God today as He was yesterday, and God will be the same tomorrow too! The Bible tells us that God cannot change in the book of Malachi chapter 3 verse 6. “God Cannot Change! For I am the Lord, I change not.” Malachi 3:6

God Cannot Let anyone into heaven unless they are born again!

Heaven is a perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens and no bad choices are ever made. Since every person makes bad choices, God cannot let us into Heaven unless someone pays the price for our bad choices. Have you ever kicked your sister and gotten sent to timeout? Your punishment was a timeout and you had to take your punishment because you made a bad choice. When Jesus died on the cross He took the punishment for every bad choice we've ever made because He had never sinned. Then Jesus defeated death and rose to life! So when you ask Jesus to forgive you of your bad choices and come live in your heart, that is called being born again. When you are born again, God does not see you as a person who makes bad choices. He sees you as a person who has been forgiven and your price into Heaven has been paid. God looks at you and sees His perfect son, Jesus. In the book of John chapter 3 verse 3, The Bible tells us that when you are born again you will be able to go to Heaven! “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” John 3:3

God Cannot Let anyone into heaven unless they are born again!

Heaven is a perfect place, where nothing bad ever happens and no bad choices are ever made. Since every person makes bad choices, God cannot let us into Heaven unless someone pays the price for our bad choices. Have you ever kicked your sister and gotten sent to timeout? Your punishment was a timeout and you had to take your punishment because you made a bad choice. When Jesus died on the cross He took the punishment for every bad choice we’ve ever made because He had never sinned. Then Jesus beat death and rose to life! So when you ask Jesus to forgive you of your bad choices and come live in your heart, that is called being born again. When you are born again, God does not see you as a person who makes bad choices. He sees you as a person who has been forgiven and your price into Heaven has been paid. God looks at you and sees His perfect son, Jesus. In the book of John chapter 3 verse 3, The Bible tells us that when you are born again you “Except that a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” John 3:3

What have you learned about God and what He can’t do? Take a few minutes to talk about it with your parent or someone on the SOS Team, and then have some fun by solving the puzzle below!
